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Site electric services

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Hybrid Solar Systems for Napa Valley and Marin
Discover how hybrid solar systems with Sol-Ark inverters provide Napa Valley and Marin residents with energy independence, cost savings, and uninterrupted power during outages. Learn about Site Electric Services' turnkey solutions, including custom designs, expert installations, and ongoing support for residential and commercial properties. Explore real-world projects featuring cutting-edge technology like HomeGrid Stack’d and Fortress Flex batteries, ensuring reliable energy for homes, wineries, and businesses in Northern California.
November 29, 2024
Power Monitoring and Electrical Load Studies
Site Electric Services, Electricians and engineers based in Vallejo, offers temporary power monitoring and load studies to end-users and electrical contractors in the bay area. Determining electrical load is often a crucial step when adding additional equipment to a facility and SES can install electrical load monitoring equipment to ensure you can safely add additional electrical load and get through the permitting process efficiently.
July 2, 2023
NEC220.87 Determining Existing Electrical Loads
NEC 220.87 Load Studies in Solano & Napa County and nearby cities including Napa, Vallejo, Fairfield, Vacaville. When installing new equipment such as electrical vehicle chargers, kitchen equipment, or other electrical loads in a commercial space it is often necessary to permit and provide drawings to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) which is often the building department of county or city the facility is located in. Site Electric Services owns our own metering equipment and provides onsite support to install temporary metering which meets NEC 220.87 requirements
May 19, 2023
Hierarchy of Electrical Equipment Operations and Maintenance
When it comes to industrial power systems, ensuring that they remain operational and reliable is critical for business continuity. Power outages and equipment failures can lead to production downtime, resulting in lost revenue and missed deadlines. To prevent such issues, companies must implement a comprehensive maintenance strategy that takes into account the hierarchy of criticality for their power systems.The electrical System can be broken down into 3 distinct parts: Critical Power, Power Distribution, and Utilization Equipment.
May 5, 2023
Main Service Panel Upgrade
Considerations for homeowners when you are replacing a main electrical service panel. Are you preparing to go solar or just have an older home and thinking of having a new main electrical panel installed?
January 16, 2023
Electrical Safety Standards 101
Electrical Safety and Arc Flash standards and background on the topic sets the stage for a successful electrical safety and arc flash program
May 17, 2022
How to maximize usability of Arc Flash Data Collection
Data Collection is often the most time consuming task during the Arc Flash Study process. Maximize the value of the data collection process for your organization by following our recommendations.
February 21, 2019
How to Maintain NFPA70E / OSHA Arc Flash Compliance?
Arc Flash Studies come in many shapes and sizes but the basic tasks and deliverables are usually consistent. Site Electric Services specializes in Arc Flash Studies and Electrical Safety Compliance
February 21, 2019
Wireless Irrigation Well Pump Controls
Wireless Well Pump controls designed and installed by Site Electric Services to replace existing wired pump controls. The system monitors pump status, tank level, and was designed to be manually operated in case of emergencies.
February 21, 2019
Building Your Electrical Safety Program
An electrical safety program is an eco system that requires thorough documentation, procedures, analysis, and personnel expertise.
February 21, 2019
Building a high Performance Electrical Team
Organizations are made of many departments and stakeholders. When developing an Electrical Safety or Arc Flash Program make sure that you have included the right stakeholders to help in the process. Buy in by your stakeholders now help ensure that the program is adopted, followed, and continues to grow.
February 21, 2019
Residential Electrical Service.
For the best electrical service in the Bay Area Call Us Today
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